As is well knowm, FF competed very successfully in the 2nd International Planning Competition. On this page, we show gnuplots of the runtime data gathered in the fully automated track. The results are widely known anyway, and serve here only as a means of comparison to what has happened in the 3rd International Planning Competition. The plots generally do not include the data for all participants, but only for the group of planners that scaled best (there was always a group of planners that scaled significantly better than the others). Time is shown on a logarithmic scale, and unsolved tasks are left out of the plots.

1) Logistics runtime, shown on a logarithmic scale.

2) Blocksworld runtime, shown on a logarithmic scale.

3) Schedule runtime, shown on a logarithmic scale.

4) Freecell runtime, shown on a logarithmic scale.

5) Miconic-ADL runtime, shown on a logarithmic scale. Note that this data is only for those three planners that participated in the full ADL track of this domain.