Two versions of FF competed in the 3rd International Planning Competition:

Both systems demonstrated top performance across the domains in which they participated, i.e. in the case of FF-v2.3 the STRIPS domains, and in the case of Metric-FF the (purely) numerical domains. On this page, we give gnuplot graphics showing the data concerning the runtime taken in these domains, as well as the data concerning the number of actions in the found plans. In all domains and with regards to both criteria, the FF systems are among the two or three top performers, and in some domains FF outperforms all other competitors significantly. The systems have not been chosen for an award due to the broader coverage of some other competitive systems, i.e. because FF did not deal with the durational constructs in the competition. As is orthogonal to broad coverage, our philosophy in development was / is to take our time and do extensions step by step, rather than trying to do it all at once. On the negative side, FF can not yet solve durational planning tasks. On the positive side, Metric-FF is a scientifically satisfying approach to deal with numbers (the heuristic function approximates the goal distance of a state in a fashion that combines the logical and numerical apsects of the task), and achieves excellent results across a range of benchmark domains.

As said, we give gnuplots for the runtime and solution length data gathered in the competition. We start with the STRIPS domains, then focus on the numerical domains. For both FF-v2.3 and Metric-FF there also participated a FF.quality version which favored solution quality in the sense that it used an estimate of the remaining cost (the cost of the relaxed plan, cost in the case of Metric-FF possibly being a linear function over the numerical variables) in a standard A* algorithm. We only show the data for the classical FF.speed versions, which use relaxed plan length as a goal distance estimate in a variation of Hill-climbing (see the respective individual pages and papers). In a similar fashion, we only include data for the versions of MIPS and LPG that favored speed over quality. Runtime is always shown on a logarithmic scale. Data points for unsolved tasks are ommitted from the plots. The data are largely self-explanatory so we do not include much explaining text. Note that we are not trying to analyze the competition results. The only claim is that FF's performance was top in those domains where it participated.


1.a) Depots-Strips runtime, shown on a logarithmic scale. Generally, FF is fastest together with LPG and Simplanner; some of the smaller tasks require exceptionally much runtime.

1.b) Depots-Strips plan length. LPG and in particular Simplanner sometimes find overlong plans; FF's plans tend to be shortest.

2.a) Driverlog-Strips runtime, shown on a logarithmic scale. LPG and FF are most efficient, LPG scales somewhat better to the largest tasks.

2.b) Driverlog-Strips plan length. Plan lengths are roughly similar for all planners.

3.a) Zenotravel-Strips runtime, shown on a logarithmic scale. FF outperforms the other planners.

3.b) Zenotravel-Strips plan length. FF's plans tend to be shortest.

4.a) Satellite-Strips runtime, shown on a logarithmic scale. LPG, FF, and Simplanner tend to be fastest.

4.b) Satellite-Strips plan length. Plan lengths are roughly similar for all planners.

5.a) Rovers-Strips runtime, shown on a logarithmic scale. FF outperforms the other planners.

5.b) Rovers-Strips plan length. Plan lengths are roughly similar for all planners.

6.a) Freecell-Strips runtime, shown on a logarithmic scale. FF is generally the fastest, followed by LPG and MIPS.

6.b) Freecell-Strips plan length. FF tends to find the shortest solutions.


1.a) Depots-Numeric runtime, shown on a logarithmic scale. FF and LPG are most efficient.

1.b) Depots-Numeric plan length. No planner is clearly superior in solution length.

2.a) Driverlog-Numeric runtime, shown on a logarithmic scale. LPG is most efficient, followed by FF and MIPS.

2.b) Driverlog-Numeric plan length. Plan lengths are roughly similar for all planners.

3.a) Zenotravel-Numeric runtime, shown on a logarithmic scale. FF is most efficient.

3.b) Zenotravel-Numeric plan length. FF's and MIPS plans tend to be equally long, LPG's are longer.

4.a) Satellite-Numeric runtime, shown on a logarithmic scale. LPG and FF are most efficient.

4.b) Satellite-Numeric plan length. Plan lengths are roughly similar for all planners.

5.a) Rovers-Numeric runtime, shown on a logarithmic scale. FF is slightly more efficient in the smaller instances, but LPG is the only approach that can solve some of the larger tasks.

5.b) Rovers-Numeric plan length. Plan lengths are roughly similar for all planners.

6.a) Settlers-Numeric runtime, shown on a logarithmic scale. MIPS can solve only a single instance, Metric-FF solves the smallest 6 tasks; LPG couldn't be run here as there appear universally quantified effects. We remark at this point that Settlers, of the domains in the competition, is the one that uses the numerical variables most extensively; so this might be a domain where Metric-FF's heuristic function, which integrates the numerical values into its estimation process, pays off (though FF can not solve all of the, rather large, competition instances).

6.b) Settlers-Numeric plan length. In the single task that MIPS can solve, FF's plan is somewhat shorter.